Not to proud
Carolyn it is always nice you become more and more prolific with every blink that temporarily veils my eyes with the illusion of death.
Your seat is taken proeply in the chair of the department from which you administrate the school of linguistics of which I eagerly apply for admission.
Passive and receptive the qualities that allow one to see and as such just allow what is to be...Now with womblike receptivity open fertile ripened waiting to receive
recall the dream to conceive neither foreign seed nor land Now at home not just a consort but the other half
Nice to allow integration of the 'other' half if unification is here can there be an 'other'? or is this illusion too?
Eye you are a genius of Word-Smith would be proud revealing things that eye hath not seen nor ear having ever heard.
As I bow mindfully, eye see the false images built all around break and shatter in my view that I see. As all ilusion dissolves truth arises from A-Z Alpha Omega Back to Eve and Eden's bounty more than only soy una flower in bloom. The temporary foundation set on shifting sand crumbles and falls and eye see the One truth as it existed before the foundation of time. What remained at the end surely is that which existed in the beginning. In the garden is a fruit to be admired yet never ravished in belly. I bow before your lotus flower appearing constantly to be in a perpetual state of full bloom, eye shift my vision and the feet I see are also my own. In the world of impermanence your petals remain and to them I align my gaze, my eye is your eye is your eye is mine.