RG, I completed the 30-day humaworm cleanse this past Sunday. On Day 26 or 27, I awoke at 4 am and proceeded to have projectile butt pee about a dozen times for the next 6 hours. Passed what appeared to be small and large liver flukes. Day 28 I awoke and noticed tiny white "blisters" ringing my inner upper lip and vertical lesions on the middle of my tongue as well as painful pink spots near the tip of my tongue.
It's now Day 5, post-Humaworm, and my upper and lower lips still feel tender and almost slightly swollen 1st thing in the morning. The bubble blisters have disappeared but the soreness on my lips and the tender tongue spots & lesions remain.
Am I detoxing? Having an allergy reaction? I had ceased all my vitamins when I began Humaworm (tho I resumed once I finished Humaworm). Or is this some kind of vitamin B deficiency? sign my intestines are out of whack? My lower abdomen has felt bloated but my busy schedule won't allow me to do a liver cleanse for another week.
Should I just be stoic and hope it passes or is there something I can do to lose the sore mouth? (I did buy sublingual vit. B drops.)