Re: on day 9!
Glad to hear you are during so well. I know what you mean about the serenity and euphoria. Certain things that I was worried about before fasting don't seem to be affecting me. I just feel like everything is going to be OK. I read a New York Times article about Calorie-Restriction or CRON that explained this phenomena in terms of brain chemistry and fasting:
"Had I noticed the manic gleam in Paul’s eye before this? Maybe not, but there is no mistaking it now, and as I contemplate his peculiar fervor for the food he isn’t eating, I am brought face to face at last with a question that’s been taking shape within me from the moment I met him: Dude, are you high?
I don’t put the question to him in quite those terms, but his answer, basically, is yes: He is high, and chemically so. “When you fast for seventeen hours at a low glucose rate, brain-derived neurotrophic factor is released, which is a chemical which creates optimism,” says Paul. “This brain-derived neurotrophic factor is actually a natural part of the chemical thing that happens to me every day … I feel pretty exhilarated right now.”
Full article if interested:
Well keep at it and it will get easier!