Re: Digestion pain
Yes, I can recall reading some of your posts since the other day and together with body type and constitution and foods that are adverse for you feeling that you have a digestive issue and candida. I'm not quite sure from your posts if this always happens when you eat nuts? or if you suspect something else. If you suspect it is nuts I would recommend going to a more alkaline and easily digestible nut like almond, the rest tend to be more acidic. Also grains are acidic but I think you must sprout right?
Elimintations will improve yes but understand that cellulose is not always properly eliminated in the amounts consumed especially the amounts that raw-foodists consume. I do not know if you have candida, I feel you do however, candida has many phases and one stage where it very closely resembles cellulose, candida also thrive on this dietary indigestible cellulose. This cellulose is not completely evacuated. If you continue to have issues and the problem exacerbates a singular enzyme high in cellulase will break down the cellulose, and chitin formations and destroy the cell wall of candida. A singular protease enzyme will work synergisitcally. Multi enzyme formations do not contain enough cellulase especially to break down the amounts you are eating, if it is indeed candida that has set up palace in your colon it will thrive on this diet.
Do not think of killing candida, candida is part of your system and plays a vital role in breaking down and eating that which your body cannot rid itself of. If not for candida and cancer the organism would succumb much easier to autointoxication.
The area you are speaking of is probably a bit lower than your stomach.
I do not usually give advice especially when people do not ask specifically, however I responded to your post originally because I had an image (during our first communication) of the area you refer to and it was shaded gray. (this just happens sometimes) so it has been suggested that I tell people this when I see these things instead of ignoring it and they can respond as they like. This is why I suggested ramping up your digestion. Since this is a raw support forum. I did not want to discourage you just gently encourage you to be aware of your body and body type and realize raw is not universal for everyone at everytime in their life and that perhaps if candida is imbalanced that high cellulose foods would not be the best.
I'm glad you are experiencing good things also with this diet, just keep eyes open and do not ignore anything your body tells you make adjustments as necessary.