Re: consider your body burden of FLUORIDE
Hi Wombat
Thanks for this post!
For about 6 months now I have been taking enzymes. Great stuff. Now I know one possible culprit, why I need them!
Fluoride! During 5 years, 20 years ago, I lived in a town, where the water was fluoridated. I did not know that in these times. As student you don't care, what is in your water. But nevertheless, we students used to talk about the water, that something was wrong with it. The boys lost plenty of their hair....
It was the only time in my life that I did not drink tap water but bought the water in bottles from the store. I was a student and had no money but I simply did not like the tap water and I did not trust it. I felt that something was wrong with that water. And so did some other students.
But of course I cooked my potatoes and my spaghettis in that water and I washed myelf with that water!
By the way: I came across enzymes thanks to Tim O'Shea
Chapter "Enzymes: The Key to Longevity".