On page 16 of this forum (flip a couple of pages back), Mr. McCooties just mentioned that this was a great benefit to his flushing. I commented about it in my reply to him, telling him I had never heard of b.o. being cured by it but that I thought it was really cool. (You never know what the liverflush will cure...) We know that stones harbor bacteria, so that is probably the culprit. In any event, this is what he said:
"I've thought more about this and looking back I have to say my breath and Body Odor was pretty bad before my flushes, worse than I care to admit. I remember my ex would often say something about my b.o., like did I take a shower today? ...pretty often!!! And the morning breath was just as bad. Now that I really don't have these problems it's like living a different life now in some ways. I find myself still avoiding people when I work up a sweat or before brushing my teeth, and I really don't have to anymore - it just became automatic after so many years."