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kathryn101 Views: 3,803
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 938,244


This is a great post...and is exactly what I've been trying to explain to my doctor.
But he thinks I fell out of a tree and bumped my head. :-/

I know the liver is connected to all these things...and I feel like I'm not going to
get my spastic colon lined out until my congested liver is lined out...but then, can
I clean up the liver while the COLON isn't working properly? It seems like I just
run into a brick wall every way I turn.

I have a spastic colon...which evidently has resulted in an impacted colon. Even
the colon hydrotherapist is having a hard time helping me. I just went for my 6th
visit yesterday.

So will you give us your formula for the best liver tonic? What did you 'cook up'
for this 5 year old? Thanks, kathryn


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