A smart e-mail, by MH
I like those that understand that when "you" want an answer or to make a statement directly to me and not a forum that is 100% code names where we don't know if it is a male or female, old or young, etc., etc...Ya always e-mail me at countrybaskets@earthlink.net
Those that understand a forum is a place where blanket statements can be posted and blanket responsed by evey tom/dick/harry in the world can answer at free will and do so and never ask personal questions or expect personal answers. Those that know me, know I don't know their name. All my life, I have not remembered people's names, I have no interest in names andI may have to see someone off and on for years before I known them by a first name and I may never remember their last name, for example, those attending the first amish seminar, sorry, I forgot all your names, even though I have spent some time with several, when you arrived I asked my wife; "now what is their names". I know faces and if your lucky, I may say Hay You! Otherwise I am not one to start talking first, because I forget people's names. And I don't want to start remembering, I have enough to remember as it is.
The e-mail of those in the know:
Thanks for taking the time to respond, and of course, for the good work you all do. People may claim you abuse your forum, I think they just are not ready to hear the simple truth! My personal experience with fresh OJ has always been extremely positive, and this was even before I found your forum. I used it to lower my hypertension and blood sugar problems.
Hope to hear from you soon.
- MT