Re: Full Body Failure Article that started with a Root Canal
yes, it says she had wilson's disease and they don't tie anything to the root canal. it is hereditary and symptoms usually appear around the ages of 10 to 21 years, but sometimes not until the age of 30. it could be the root canal triggered the disease.
the only thing i could find about root canals and copper is the application for this patent, but i don't understand the wording of it as to what it actually is.
6. The complex root canal plugging apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said heating member is made of an alloy of copper and nickel, and installed in the end of said heating part such that a first end of the heating member projects from the end of the heating part and a second end of the heating member is set in the end of said heating part.
and this:
- What is the similarity of the DOC’BEST™ Red Cement, DOC’S BEST™ White Cement, DOC’S BEST™ Pulp Canal Sealer, and COPALITE® Varnish?
The basic similarity is they all have the Activated Copper formulation in them. The DOC’S BEST™ Cement Powders can be mixed with COPALITE® Varnish for any situation when the dentist needs to destroy LIVE tooth decay in the tooth without the necessity of pulpal exposure. The Cement –Varnish mixture (5 air dried layers) can be painted directly on the live decay, killing the decay and causing no pain to the patient. This slurried liner will penetrate the potential one-mile of dentinal tubules, and prevent sensitivity to the patient. The patient’s tooth only needs a thick mixture of the Cement- Universal Liquid mixture added. The restoration is finished with composite, amalgam or gold restoration. The DOC’S BEST™ Pulp Canal Sealer is placed around the root canal post. FIRST, five layers of Cement/ Varnish mixture is painted in the root canal. Allow two minutes to completely dry. Mix the Pulp Canal Sealer, load into a Centrix® ampule and express into the canal. Mix a thick mix of DOC’S BEST™ cement and place the post. Build up the thick mix around the post as a core build-up. Cement the final crown with DOC’S BEST™ cement to protect the tooth. The crown will stay strong for many years. The DOC’S BEST™ products and COPALITE ®Varnish are all antimicrobial to protect all tooth surfaces from harmful Biofilms for many years to come.