How do I know this?
I have done numerous flushes using several different recipes with varying amounts of olive oil and citrus juice...lemon or pink grapfefruit. Each flush produced an assortment of stones...various shades of green and tan. Having read the arguements for and against the validity of these stones, I have searched for a method that would verify beyond a doubt that these are stones...including dying the flush mixture and dying some citrus pulp, both of which proved inconclusive for me. After reading a post by Nobugsplease who flushed with walnut oil and got the same results as she did when using olive oil, I decided that I would do another flush yesterday.
For my flush I selected macadamia nut oil which is a very pale straw color...ALMOST CLEAR. I used Anreas' recipe with a few modifications...fasted for the entire day and sipped water with EmergenC in between potions...and mixed the macadamia nut oil with pink grapefruit juice. To my utter delight I have already passed a couple hundred grape seed size stones, several that were the size of large english peas and a bunch of bright yellow chaff and sand...AND ALL OF THE STONES HAVE BEEN BRIGHT GREEN, MANY WITH DARK GREEN CENTERS!!!
For all of those who have speculated that the stones are nothing more than a product of the green olive are going to have to come up with another theory because I got green stones from clear oil...exactly the same results as I have had when using olive oil!!! OBVIOUSLY, THESE STONES ARE NOT A PRODUCT OF THE FLUSH MIXTURE!!! I don't have the resources to have my stones analyzed by a lab...but this experiment has been more than enough confirmation for me!!!
BTW...for anyone who has difficulty with nausea during the flush and feeling washed out the next day...I highly recommend fasting for the entire day of the flush and sipping water with EmergenC (for electrolytes) during the flush procedure. I have used this method for the last three flushes I have done and have had no problem with nausea whatsoever and felt great the day after the flushes...a big improvement over previous flushes that I've done!
I've used this flush as a jumpstart into the MasterCleanse...sipping my lemonade and feelin' fine!!! My energy is great...time to get some stuff done....the sun is is good!!! And I'll be doing it again in 2 weeks!
*My special THANKS to Nobugsplease!!! ; )