Starting with my own amazing cure of chronic shoulder and wrist pains after my first MC 6 years ago there are thousand and thousands of amazing REAL WORLD success stories archived in the forums archives. The only thing in real evidence by the trail of your posting history so far is that you are a sociopath that has trouble relating to people and have shown downright cruelty and disregards for others in some of the forums. Don't make post the links.
The MC forum is not the first support forum that you have been asked to move your non supportive diatribes in conflict with the purpose of and spirit of a support forum and to move them to the debate forum. All anyone has to do is look at your posting history it's right there in Black and White.
The only A hole here has been you with plenty of evidence in the trail of the available posting history to back it up. It is just plain evident from the majority of your post that your intent is not to educate and "share" your knowledge but to beat down and bully anyone that sees things different than you do. Even when folks haven't addressed you you are now simply searching for conflict going around finding posts that are months old and in some cases being down right insulting and abusive.
The spirit of a website like this is for folks to take resposibility for the lives/health though research and find out for themselves though a communal effort of sharing our REAL WORLD EXPERIENCES of the different protocols and how they actually function and not from some crap in a book or some loudmouth sociopath a-hole making all kinds of claims. As it refers to the MC it has been around longer than you have been on this planet and hundred of thousand, even millions have used it and gotten nothing short miraculous results of which I include myself. I can only speak of my 6 years of my participation on this website and in all that time I don't recall of a single person that has been hurt from the MC that followed the protocol as written. On the contrary the miracle stories abound and are archived.
The other point is that the MC is just a form of fasting and fasting has been around for hundreds of years. There are hundreds of written tomes on the use and benefits of fasting by many well respected pioneers of alternative health field and you Mr Herbal Doctor Charlie Benghouser are a nobody that nobody has heard of and instead of presenting your points and becoming part of this online community and contributing by "sharing" you have have come in with your abusive and demeaning swagger and abusive delivery trying to become the sweetheart of the rodeo and Mister like they say south of the Mason Dixon line "That dawg won't hunt" You getting this??
This site and in particular the MC forum discussion have ensued and through the intuitive
REAL WORLD efforts, we have shared our experiences and dealt with and overcome all these so called dangers that you are claiming with little more that your word that you keep beating folks over the head with claiming that you are an Herbal Doctor yapity yapity yap yap. Well guess what bunky my name ees Tony Montana and I speet on ju, ju leetle cocoroach.................................;+D
Nobody anywhere on this site has made any claims that the MC is "the only way" or "the way" or that it is some kind of cure-all. I myself have posted that on many occasions dispelling that myth on the forum. It nevertheless has PROVED itself as a "powerful tool" over and over in thousands of actually real f@cken world real people experiences when used as written and for "some" things and not "all" things. You got that amoeba????
Now after making a complete and total ass of yourself hopefully you've "heard" what I have said above and you can start with a clean slate. You have a way to globaly delete all your posts and make an honest effort to stop trying to impress and come down from your "self basting" pedestal to "share" with others some of this knowledge instead of insulting and trying to beat folks over the head with your herbal Doctor tittle. We got it Charlie we got it OK. No one is impressed OK? Real info and results is what flies around these here parts and not your "claimed" title. You ready to be a real person good doobie kinda guy?? and truly help and share some of this knowledge
I for one do agree with you regarding the importance of the liver as a prime component in our overall health and that many maladies can be traced to the sluggish function of the liver and I'll be the first to admit that it has some ring of truth about it but I will not give you carte blanche and say that it's "the only way" or "the way" and use it like everything else on this site. A tool or one of the many components on the road of optimal health and well being. I do believe that you have something to contribute along those lines.
You keep skirting around this formula that you have and I'll be the first to give it a go if you stop dicking around and once and for all give detailed instructions of measures and methods of preparations and suggested protocols and dosages. What better way to have hundreds perhaps thousands "prove" at least with empirical evidence the efficacy of your formula. You game to put up or shut up?
Before you go off with liability yappity yap yap place a disclaimer that your are only posting it for research purposes and anyone using it takes full responsibility yada yada yada that no claims are made and it's not meant to take the place of advice from a licensed doctor etc etc badabom badabin yab yaba doo. You know the standard disclaimer that you can cut and paste from any alternative herbal site.
There is nothing to discuss/respond/say here Charlie. I had to use the language and demeanor that you appear to operate in. No more no less. You either hear what I've said or you won't. I will not respond if what you choose is to argue instead of wiping the slate clean and make a real effort to truly help others by sharing and becoming a part of this unprecedented and unique "World Health Community".