Did anyone stop all supplements for 1 week?
I know it hasn't been quite a week yet, but I am just wondering if anyone took V up on this little experiment.
Here is a link to his original post:
Stop All Supplements
I have not taken any supplements, NO
Iodine either since last Tuesday afternoon.
I am not a big supplement user, so it was not difficult for me. I am not addicted to any supplement or health routine/protocol.
I have reached for my
Lugol's bottle a few times and then put it back... oops!
The hardest thing for me was not taking any essential oils internally, as I feel they would be considered supplementing. I admit I did use a very small amount of them topically in my skin ointment (which also contains some Lugols). It is summer and I was outdoors in the sun over the weekend and just didn't want to not use something on my skin.
I'm sure V will post questions of what information he is looking for from this experiment, so I will wait to answer his questions to give my results.
No one has commented all week, so I hope I am not alone in taking this challenge.