17 y
How do you know the MMR cause Autism and OCD?
The short answer...It happened to my daughter. My daugter had an immediate reaction to other
vaccinations after receiving the MMR. The MMR is not the direct cause neurological problems by itself. The MMR weakens the immune system and while the immune system is weakened... other toxins in the MMR and other
vaccinations compound the attacks on a weakened immune system at the time when multiple
vaccinations while the mercury preservative thimerosal and possibly aluminum are injected directly into the bloodstream. With the weakened immune system, the mercury and aluminum move freely through the blood until they reach the stem of the brain. The stem of the brain senses the metal attacking the brain and blocks the metal there to prevent it from killing the brain. The brain is crippled by the heavy metals and from that point must re-engineer itself to reconnect the electrochemical messages it must receive to continue functioning. The rerouted current allows the brain to continue to live but the electrical pathways become convoluted when they come to dead ends or continue in circles in certain areas. Repetitive behavior is just a dead end response to electrochemical messages the brain then sends the body. Narcissism. Sociopathy, or a lack of empathy may be another area of the brain that may be a result of the brain being attacked. The brain probably doesn't trust anyone after others allow vaccinations or poison to attack the brain?
The MMR is what depresses the immune system, which doesn't give the body the tools it needs to prevent heavy metals in other vaccines from traveling to the brain stem. The body thinks it is dying when the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella are attacking its blood. The brain goes into survival mode when the other vaccines with mercury and aluminum attack the blood stream. The heavy metals that would have been removed by the bodies normal and healthy defense systems that would have expelled the mercury and aluminum through the feces and urine are put on hold while those defense systems fight the serious diseases the body senses is attacking.
The vaccine damaged brain may be changed forever. One might feel they are not part of the same species as they are so different from those around them. The brain will still function in other areas even if one or several areas are stuck in a loop. The first to go for Autistics is verbal communication, empathy which is probably related to a lack of socialization ability. For OCD perhaps it is other areas? For ADD/ADD/HD it is probably just the longer pathways or jumped pathways or possibly shortened pathways that cause the brain in those areas to speed up or slow down while leaving those areas not functioning the same as those without heavy metals at the stem of the brain.
A vaccine damaged brain is like a car with eight cylinders running on seven or six cylinders. It may run but still the engine may race and stall as the motor tries to adjust to out of balance firing mechanisms. The solution is to remove the heavy metals but doctors make millions and drug companies billions fro vaccine damaged health problems...and in a convoluted path to the truth, that is the why of it...
My youngest daughter will not be vaccinated. Mercury is the second most deadly substance on earth.She is perhaps the most healthy human being I have ever known, Her immune system acts quickly when she has had a viral attack yet she has only run a slight fever 100f two or three times in her three years of life. Multiple vaccines just multiply the problem and cripple the immune system. Fool me once and it is their fault... Fool an informed parent a second time and it is the informed parent's fault. The most likely professional that will not vaccinate their children are are Pediatricians and Gynecologists...because they know vaccinations are playing Russian Roulette with their children's lives.