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Raw meat Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar
theNortherner Views: 8,619
Published: 17 y

Raw meat Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar

I've seen references to not using vinegar and ACV to marinate raw meats, the argument that the meat "cooks" by the action of the acid.

Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with using ACV to marinate the meat as long as it is unpasterized.

When you think about it, all you are doing is reproducing what happens inside your stomach. Your stomach first lets everything sit in hydrochloric acid and enzymes. If you use a diluted RAW ACV(wich has enzymes in it) then it is exactly what would be happening in your stomach. You're not denaturing the proteins as I read on one post.

After I realized this, I though why not marinate in Kombucha tea? It would be much cheaper than ACV and you can mass produce it at home fresh. It has enzymes and beneficial microorganisms galore.

a bit about me. I'm underweight since my early years and a few years back started developing skin problems, psoriasis, hair loss, food allergies , pimples, backne. Like most I tried everything and every diet out there - even raw veg. Finally I couldn't deny the fact that my body wasn't design to be vegetarian so I went back to normal diet. I've stumbled across a reference to "We Want to Live" and now am ready to give raw another go - only this time i will be having the meats (ah the missing piece).

Through diet an dlifestyle and herbs, I managed to get rid of most of my complaints - except for the pimples which have been the bane of my existence and really ruining my quality of life. Lets put the primal diet to the test.


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