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rygar. Views: 1,561
Published: 18 y


Did anyone catch tonights episode of HOUSE on FOX?
The doc removed a 15 ft long Tapeworm from a patient suffering from a strange illness where she could'nt feel any pain or something like that and it turned out that some kind of vitamin injection was aggravating the worm inside her causing all sorts of symptoms,paranoia being one of them.Anyways,he restrained the girl and made an incision in her gut,grabbed the worm by the head and pulled it out!
It looked soo fake because it was obvious they tried to make the head of the worm look like how it does in the pics lol but he kept pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling and it just kept coming out! It may have been 35 ft. or something because he jokingly stated that the longest one was 65 ft or something like that,it was pretty sick!


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