Gay's vs. Christians Round 23145678
This Christians vs. gay people is getting a bit out of control. I read around on this site for about one week before I decieded to join and post. First and formost I do believe in God and I love him. However I don't want to be classified as one of those "Spotlight Christians" that can point out everyone else's flaws while seemingly flawless. NE ways thats enough, I could go on and on about christians and thier judgemental ways for hours. I love god and I can't stand christians, ironic yes, however it's true.
So here I am a believer in God, try to follow christ best I can, and I see heated debates that go back and forth between Gay people, and Christians. I say, give them full marrige rights under Civil unions and leave it at that. Why? Not becasue I go to thier rallies and I protest and fight for gay rights. Nope wont find me anywhere near that. Now more and more Gays are adopting, the women are having children. Since there are no Biological ties to the child, the partner can just up and leave whenever he or she pleases and thats it. No Allimony, no spousal support, basically no responsibility to thier partner or child. There was actually a case a few months back where a Lesbian couple split and the Court went after the doner for child support. I was shocked.
Thats just one instance what about an adoption, the adopting parent decides his/her partner isn't going to see the child anymore. Legally there's nothing that can be done. Now I'm sure the natural response is "They shouldn't do it anyway" My rebutle aren't there things in life that you shouldn't do, but you still do it anyway. What makes this different, becasue they are gay? Granted does the idea of a gay couple rasing a child freak me out a bit sure. I wouldn't want my son coming home from second grade saying "So and so said it's ok to like boys" what? I don't know what I'd do.
I know I'm supposed to be PC and say thats ok son, my GUT isn't saying that. Is it a phobia sure. So what. Thats another topic in its self.
I don't enjoy being around a gay couple, I feel weird. It goes against my beliefs but that doesn't change the fact that they are people. They are raising children, we need to get over the "Ickiness" and give these people rights so they can be held to the same standards that we are. Sorry for the word Ichiness, but it's true. I'm a walking contradiction. I know I don't enjoy being around Gay affection but, I don't think it's right to descriminate.
As far as the Christian view of going to hell and all. Hey Christians didn't God forgive you? Why wouldn't he forgive them? Really if the spotlight was shined on your life would it make you appear perfect? I doubt it, we all have to pray daily not to sin, yet we still do it. It is our job to teach people what God has to say, it's not our job to cause any conviction, or Judge.
I really think Christians need to step back, and stop trying to play God. What I mean by that is simple, you aren't going to change anyone. Only God has the power to do that, so stop trying to usurp it. Quite frankly, it's irratating.