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Re: Diabetes drug Avandia should remain, advisers say.
Aharleygyrl Views: 1,247
Published: 18 y
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Re: Diabetes drug Avandia should remain, advisers say.

the gov't never likes to admit any mistakes.  unreal what i heard on the is probably responsible for about 80,000 heart attacks, but the FDA wants to leave it on the market and put a warning lable on it.  it reminds me of the time i was at my pharmacist and he noticed the dr had prescribed 2 medications that could cause death if i took them together.  not thinking the dr would make that mistake, i asked to get the drugs anyway (this was back when i had every ailment under the sun because of mercury poisoning i didn't know about for 33 yrs).  the pharmacist said ok, but that i had to sign the waiver.  i asked what it was for.  he said death.  i am signing i know i can die if i take them.  so, i didn't sign, felt really creepy, like i was signing my life away.  it's funny, people blame drs so much, but most of the drugs they prescribe, they don't even know anything about them, just that the drug sellers for the drug companies say how great they are.  it's too bad drs don't have to learn about meds, too, but i guess that would be too much work for them.  it's just like the dentists using mercury, most of them have no clue how bad it is, eventhough men in white coats have to dispose of it, because they are that brainwashed by the ADA and the gov't. 



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