So sorry to hear about your problems...when you did your diet did you eat fruit? I found that I could cut out everything that you mentioned, but if I ate fruit I would not get better. The things which seemed to help me best was:
1. Low carb diet (less than 60 g/day) with typical candida restrictions-no alcohol, dairy, fruit, starchy vegetables, baked goods, etc.
2. Humaworm (parasite/candida herbal blend...it does work and it is quite gentle
3. Series of colonics
4. Probiotics
5. A round of diflucan that finally got rid of my persistent skin rash (no, it has not returned)
6. Drinking Sea Salt in water-twice per day
Good luck to you! If you didn't cut out the fruit and keep the carbs extremely low, you might want to try the diet again and use some of the other remedies I mentioned.