The best thing you can do for your body is better bowel management and lymph management. :) You need to really flush out your colon, eat carefully so that you don't increase the toxins in your body, and help the lymphs out with detox baths, dry brushing and light exercise. :)
Since you've had edema issues, you may want to rethink using the Epsom Salts . I never use them in my flushes, I just have them there in case of emergency and for my detox baths. :)
You may also need to take some minerals - the best way to do this is of course fresh green juices, but super green drinks are good too, as are supplements. It helps to keep EmergenC packets around for post-flush dehydration, or CalMagFizz.
For more info on detox baths and such, please peruse my notes: