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Re: Don't throw in the towel
KASS Views: 3,245
Published: 18 y
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Re: Don't throw in the towel

Hi 70139,

Oh heavens, I have brown hair and green eyes too....are we a predisposed group here? LOL!

I was told by a dermatologist once that more than likely Acne was caused by a defect in the pores which is handed down genetically. I can’t help but believe this does predisposes us to the curse but I have found that making changes does help. The problem with most people is they make too many changes at once and never really figure out what helps and what hinders. It’s important to make one change at a time and take note.

Have you ever heard that most people give up right before they reach their goal? This is something I heard years ago and it has stuck with me. Keep making changes ONE change at a time and don’t give up now. And take a more relaxed approach so it is not so stressful to you.

If I think of anything else I’ll let you know……...



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