I have this huge pimple behind my ear its like 1/2 inch around and 1/4 inch raised and it hurts liek hell... I tryed hydrocortison which ussally works to make my pimples go down, i know it cloggs the skin i dotn use it often just for big pimples. But anyway it didnt touch it its still there! How can i make it leave????
also is 18mg of zinc enough? Im gonna start taking this multivitamin that has 18mg of zinc jsut dont know if thats enough.
one more thing is there anything to get rid of red marks left my pimples? there not liek scars that are in the skin like indented or anything they are scars that are red. Would soem kinda mask work? maybe cucumber i read thats bleeching is it true. Thank you let me know!