Egg shell tea is good for calcium and the ACV gives it the slight acid it needs to create balance and electro/maganetic energy! Remember its all about balance! So it hard to just use kitchen type fertilisers ,but Blackstrap molasses is essentialfor its carbohydrate and glucose content the soil life needs and works synergistically with the other nutrients! Kelp is excellent it provides all the trace minerals known to man but rock phosphates bone meal for calcium, magnesium sulphate and even ammonia for its nitrogen and which gives the soil an acid to balance the base or alkaline minerals! Good composted manures are good so are fish or fish emulsion! But you need to work with the Ph and the balance of anion/cation to create the energy that all life requires!
A good mulch is also essential as it keep the tempature from extremes and give cover and for soil life and also helps supply nutrients as it decays!