Re: I have cancer and need help
It sounds like the very same thing that happened to me. I got cervical cancer and had a hysterectomy. They told me they got it all but advised me to have aggressive chemo and radiation treatments anyway, but I declined. I have tried various alternative methods but not with the devotion I should have and the cancer came back a couple years later. I had a huge vaginal tumor that was beginning to block my kidneys from draining. I tried harder after that to follow a program of healing but still didn't get a complete handle on it, the tumor failed to shrink enough to unblock my kidneys and consequently, they failed this last January. I as in the hospital 2 and a half weeks and almost died. I was given a nephrostomy which saved my life and now I'm back in the fight against cancer.
While at the hospital I was given xrays and ct scans which revealed the vaginal/abdominal tumor, cancer in my spine and my lymph glands. I was sent home on hospice, doctors thought I'd live maybe a couple weeks BUT...
I started
juicing apple/carrot/beet juice, about 4 to 5 6oz glasses a day, it was enough to get me back up on my feet. The hospice nurses call me their wonder patient. I also now drink
Essiac tea, take paw paw, ozone therapy, Dr Christophers vaginal bolus herbs and the Budwig protocal. I feel better every day. Hospice is thinking I might get well after all, can you imagine HOSPICE thinking such a thing of a patient? If you would like to try anything I'm doing, write me, I'll walk you through it and tell you where I purchase things. Also, if you are having any bleeding issues, yunnan baiyao is great.
PS, attitude is everything. Be positive! Unload all of your emotional baggage.