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Breath that smells like poo!?
fruitsofearth Views: 15,227
Published: 18 y

Breath that smells like poo!?

Is this Candida? I know this is disgusting but we are adults here. I have honestly had breath in the mornings sometimes that smells like poo. Along with a white tongue. I am positive now that I have Candida and am immediately making changes to save my life. Would this suggest a massive infection? I have had this off and on for decades, with every symptom listed under Candidiasis. It has wreaked havoc on my marriage, thankfully I married a wonderful patient man, and he is now 100% willing to change our lifestyles to beat this. We think he has it too but not like I do. I ams sitting here drinking coffee with stevia, skipped the non-dairy creamer, and skipped the wine last night. No more Sugar for me.

Ok, the second thing is, is the premature aging candida causes reversable? I have always taken good care of my skin, and ironically, eaten a far better diet than most, but I have been a regular drinker throughout the years and am one of these people who think too much and as a result have too much stress, and lack of exercise and those things probably gave the candida a major foothold in my body. I have stayed out of the sun most of my life and yet I feel my face doesn't look as young as it should. The dark circles don't help and years of puffy eyes stretched the skin out a bit. I will likely have a little surgery later on after I get well and can see what I am working with. Has anyone looked much younger after beating this insidious parasite? I am also chronically underweight and lacking muscle tone. Candida-caused? Right now I am going through major herx, complete with chills and low fever, but I am breastfeeding so I worry about the toxins that may be escaping through my breastmilk, if any do. Should I go slow with this until I wean next month? Should I just make some dietary changes and wait to do the caprylic acid? At this point I am just doing the candida diet and eating sauerkraut.

Oh, and is extreme irritability in the a.m. also caused by our lovely friend Candida?


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