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Hopinso, a question...
MidlothianGirl Views: 1,734
Published: 21 y
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Hopinso, a question...

Have you done other things like bowel cleansing and heavy metal detoxification, that type of thing?

I see you mentioned migraines. The gentlemen who posts here named Raymond was complaining in Shelley's about very severe migraines he had for days on end, with more rebound migraines from his medication. He had used the BodyPure footpads for quite a while but it hadn't occurred to him that they would help his migraines until he slipped one on and got near-instant relief, after having a migraine for almost a week. They also have helped me tremendously. I have come to believe that my body was a heavy metal toxic waste dump. I have gotten a lot of relief from using them, for various symptoms.

I didn't know if you had been aware of them or not, but I wanted to make you aware if you weren't. They are extraordinary. I don't know if they are something you are interested in, but I do know that many people are very impressed with them. Wrenn said that her double vision was gone after using them.

I don't know (besides mercury from amalgams) what I have in my body, but I'm going to send my used pads in and get a lab report about it, which is a free service provided to people who purchase the pads. You can also read some posts about them on Dr. Vinograd's forum.

I'm sorry you are disappointed, but I'm confident that if you'll continue to look for answers, you will find them! Your health problems sound worse than mine were as I wasn't in intense pain, but I believe you are going in the right direction.

If you have heard about the footpads and whatnot, I apologize for that, as I didn't know about them until I stumbled upon a post about them on Andreas' forum, and that lead me to Dr. Vinograd's forum.

Good luck, Hopinso!


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