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Feeling hopeless and trapped...
shannon100390 Views: 1,089
Published: 21 y

Feeling hopeless and trapped...

I already have food issues as it's hard fot me to stick to any diet because of my overeating problems....because of that, I can't seem to stay on a diet good for my liver....and with that, I have pain in my liver because of health issues can't even make me eat right, even I SO BADLY wish I's hard to explain my issue....that's how bad it is...(some people have suggested hypnosis, but that is not an option for me....)

...I've been doing flushes, cleanes and whatnot...but the pain is still there....I'm worried I'm going to die young or something and that it will never get better. I'm just 23.

I feel incredibley alone in this...I feel if I tell my family or friends what I've been doing and what's wrong with me, they'll tell me to rush to the doctor, and the doctor people will probably tell me to get a liver transplant or some off the wall bullcrap...just like they told me to get my GB out when I didn't need to....

I'm scared I'll never get over this....


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