Fake Pancakes - delicious!
1 part flax meal
1 part wheat bran
(about 4 heaping TEAspoons each makes a huge pancake)
1 heaping TABLEspoon vanilla whey protein for each heaping 4 teaspoons of the above
For each dry mix for the huge pancake, add 1/2 tsp of baking powder.
Mix with enough water to make a medium to thin batter. Put in a skillet where some coconut oil has been heated on high. Do not turn too soon. You want to get the bottom golden brown, and you will not see the bubbles on the top like in regular pancakes, so don't get anxious.
I like one of these with a little molasses. The bran makes it slightly crunchy, but a delicious crunch.
Instant Hot Cereal:
You can put more of the flax meal, and the same or less of the bran,with the protein powder and boiling water and you have instant hot cereal. Boiling water is 1/2 to 1 cup, depending on how thin/thick you like your cereal.