Re: 200+ drops two days in a row
If one drop contains 6.25 milligrams of combined
Iodide and iodine, then 200 drops would contain 1.25 grams of combined
Iodide and iodine.
You asked what does it mean that you have ingested such amounts. I do not know all of what it means, but for starters, it seems to mean that you seem to have verified what many have written about and experienced themselves, that ingestion of about 100,000 times the RDA set in 1980 does not necessarily cause immediate negative health effects, as asserted by some in journal articles and medical texts. i.e. you may have proven the official gurus wrong.
I have also in the past ingested such large amounts, with no apparent deleterious effects on me. So did Albert Szenty-Gyorgyi, MD, a Nobel Prize winning doctor. My conclusion is that the medical texts are wrong. Renowned professor Guy Abraham, MD also shares this view.
My theory is that those who are able to ingest such large amounts with none of the attendant negative effects reported by so many others upon ingestion of much tinier amounts of supplemental iodine, may mean that their personal toxin load is not as high as the other folks who do experience negative symptoms. My own experiences are consistent with this view, since, early on when I ingested small amounts of supplemental iodine, I did experience some of the reported negative symptoms. These however dissipated with time, as I saw the characteristic brown urine spoken of by Dr. Flechas slowly fade to a normal color. I interpret that the
Iodine was aiding my body in ridding itself of bromides and heavy metals. Your experiences may mean that your body is relatively clean.
I believe that eventually the body will have negative effects if large amounts on the order of a gram per day or more of
Iodine are ingested in the long term. I believe I experienced this myself, when I became very tired from what I believe was oversaturation of iodine. I stopped supplementing with it and drank large amounts of water for a couple days, and my energy returned. Of course, everyone is different, and I make no recommendations for anyone, other than to read as much as they can before coming to any decisions about their own personal health and/or supplementing their diet with any substance.