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frustrated with the MC
ladylemon Views: 1,287
Published: 18 y

frustrated with the MC

I wonder if anyone could answer this question or relate. I ended a 7 day master cleanse about 2 months ago because of weakness and not really being able to carry on my daily work as usual. I have no serious medical problems. This is what happened when I ended it. I got THE WORST burning and heartburn all through my digestive track, nausea, vomited the hot liquid in the middle of the night. felt emotionally "wacked out". It took me about three weeks to feel anywhere normal and a DOZEN TUMS to get my stomach back in shape.

I hear so many good things about this cleanse, but I have been told that cayenne pepper is an irritant and can really harm a sensitive digestive track, which I didn't know I had. I find it hard to believe this cleanse has cured ulcers as I felt like it actually Caused one for me. I have juice fasted in the past and never had an experience like this. I just really want to do the Master-Cleanse because of it's simplicity. Can anyone tell me if they have ever experienced this? or what could cause it?



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