18 y
Re: Amazing!! First flush since knee replacement surgery PHOTO
i wasnt implying the liver/galbladder surgery being beneficial. since you were talking about something different then the liver, what gives me NOT the right to respond on it.
let me give you this example. i broke my nose like 5 times atleast. you see, then its botched, from the inside AND outside. you can do all you want herb wise, and flush it with salt or do nasal natural sprays or etcetera, but the fact is you wont get it right without surgery.
so, there are cases in which the average surgeon can be beneficial for health. not alot, but some
and i can understand your frustration, i think. its not easy seeing relatives struggle with these things, especially if its not exactly necessary. i dont have much 'believe' in the medical profession, but they can be pretty usefull AT TIMES