I am located in CA and Im interested in drinking live culture kefir w/ Raw Goat milk. I heard its the best especially for candida sufferes like myself.
Well my issue is I dont have a healthfood store that carries goat milk but I do live near some farms that have actual goats. Yesterday , i attended to a farm and ask if he sold raw goat milk. He said no, but wouldnt mind selling me a gallon whenever I needed.
I read both sides of pasteurizing the milk. Its a GOOD benefit b/c it kills the bad bacteria. but then its a BAD benefit b/c it kills the good bacteria and enzymes. SO im thinking to drink it pure raw b/c I need all the friendly bacteria I can get.
I wish I can have someone escort me to a list of local farms in CA that are certified or inspected. Please help
Im scared of getting sick and the whole point of drinking this milk is to build my immune system and boost my digestion, not the opposite way around.