Had to buy a belt today
I had to go out and buy a belt today. I've been oil pulling about 5 weeks straight now, and doing
Iodine supplementation about 1.7 weeks now. I know the oil pulling has decreased my interest in food. I'm not sure what influence here has been from the iodine, but this is a combined regime for me, so could be a combined result. (Last I weighed, I was 25-30
lbs. more than the upper limit of where I should be.)
I'm not doing anything special with diet, just eating what my body says it wants/doesn't want, and stopping when full. I can't say how much weight difference there is, since I'm on vacation and don't have scales available. But a pair of slacks I wore a week ago were just hanging on my hips today, so I had to make a quick Wal-Mart run to pick up a cheap belt (didn't want to be mooning folks). So, I don't know about weight, but size is definitely different, without even trying! Maybe the size loss is the difference from getting all the swelling down and toxins out of the tissues. Hopefully some of the body fat is going too ... I have noticed since starting the oil pulling that the fattier areas have seemed firmer and jiggle less.
This pair of slacks and another have been the only ones I could wear without too much discomfort at the waist. I may not be able to wear this pair again at all. They didn't sew in enough belt loops, so the slacks sag way too much between loops with the belt. What a great problem to have! One pair of jeans that I did bring with me were slightly uncomfortable at the waist a week ago, now they are loose and comfortable.
I'll keep you updated if this continues! (Also posting this in Oil Pulling forum)