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O/T Question about Jarrow's IP6
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Published: 17 y

O/T Question about Jarrow's IP6

I have read about how many of you, after taking Jarrow's IP 6 you had severe reactions. I am not seeming to have any kind of 'response', other than Maybe a bowel movement or two a day.

I have been taking 2 scoops (from in the container) a day for the past week. Actually, yesterday and today, I increased it to 3 scoops..not level but a little rounded. How much am I taking?...(it says 1000 that 1 gram? been away from math too long)

I have been eating fruit for the past 2 weeks, with the exception of 3 days, in that time. I have been doing 25-37.5 mg of Iodoral and 8-10 drops (horizontal) of Lugol's and the IP 6. Other than having more BMs, and two pimples and an occasional frontal lobe headache (not each day), I do not seem to be having issues.

Now, I know, I should (and believe me, I do) say thank you and just keep going. Yet, I wonder why I am not showing Physical signs of detox? Any thoughts?

Thanks and Peace,


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