Vitamins - Limiting Your Down Side.
As a full cognitive I’ve been forced to learn to let literals do a lot of my homework for me.
As we go down this path of self-health it is simply impossible to learn, much less “know”, all the various facets that “allow” excellent health.
And should you read this and that, then comes the “how do you approach it from a practical standpoint”?
So how do I limit my downside on vitamins?
First lets ask, are you aware of....
1.They don’t breakdown, you just “crap” them out. (T)
2. They give you expensive urine and nothing else! (F)
3. If you eat “right” you don’t need them! (F)
4. Taking too much of one vitamin can cause a deficiency of another vitamin. (T)
5. The government uses a cheap and easily fooled “molecular weight” testing, you don’t know what you’re really getting. (T)
6. I can buy that supplement cheaper at a “discount” store, after all, it’s the “same”. (F)
7. The study said the leaves, not the stems, were beneficial, the product label doesn’t say what it uses. ( “Oh sheet! What do I do now!”)
So did you know which are true or false?
But do you know why or when, the truth may be invalid?
I let my Vit company do most of the dirty work for me.
While I cannot and do not, buy “all” my supplements from them, I buy my main vitamins and those I would “worry” about being “cut” via discount houses such as CoQ10.
As well as using the wrong “parts” of a plant or making a supplement useless by incorrect processing methods.
I use LEF.ORG.
It has a ton of information that can be easily accessed as a reference.
While overall I may pay a “higher” price, I feel it limits my downside so the price is in terms of money and not my health.
I have no problem using Now, Natural or the other many named companies products. But I do at times differentiate the “type” of product I get from them.
To Your Great Health,
Gracefully Savage