yea i dont deep colon cleanse anymore ...i think i cleaned myself all out..i periodically do still take barefoots lower bowel balance which is my absolute most favorie.. ...I have done others dr schulze's his product is not as great... barefoots is more gentle and normal... but i cleased for over a year straight til i thought ok this is to much now ...I was having running bm's that just wasnt normal to me i cut back now. I cant say enough wonderful things about his herbs...My son is type 1 diabetic and so far has dropped 6 units a day in insulin off all his herbs he has.. and he was constipated before being diagnosed..He takes 4 a day ..if i took 4 a day i would be on the toilet all day long suffice it to say he is constipated he says he only has 1 BM on that many.. i might have to up it again for him.