Re: Test results
Oh yes, I may add. The dr/parasitologist said that he have up to 8 people like "me" that seeks help monthly. That means that people who did herbs, have unexplained pains and have a rundown health. He says that these peoples problems stem from stress and that they need calming agents. He said that the "herb taking people" are common to him. He fully, completely, 100%, wholeheartedly realies on the parasite tests which they do (elisa and other crap).
He also said that it is sad that drs'/society can't force people to go to the psychologists or to take calming agents, and he thought that was a sad sad thing since they will continue to cure themselves, hurt themselves and feel bad. Yes, he really said this.
Regarding the EBV he said that this is common and that my test simply showed left-over antibodies from a childhood infection. Huh? Bollocks.
I am completely surprised that drs/parasitologists think that the human being is completely clean and free from parasites. It is so bizarre, is it some conspiracy or what? Let people feel bad and have unexplained health issues then feed them with meds and crap and brainwash them.
And my family is brainwashed too now after the dr's little speech, and I am almost brainwashed soon too and thinking, hm, maybe the pains and other signs are just in my head?
This is so sad, I am so sad and completely mentally and spiritually paralized at the moment.
Rabbit, thanks a million for your input and care, as always :)