We learnt in school that a baby´s immune system is considered extremely immature at birth and is one of the reasons that it is so dependent on the antibodies etc that it gets from suckling the milk of its mother. Around 2 years of age the human immune system is considered "mature". So it just makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever to induce/force "immunisation" at this early age. I imagine all these vaccinations must totally "confuse" the immature immune system and cause it to over-react or just not function the way our Creator designed it to. This "knowledge" may well be out-of-date.
After reading the article you posted, tried writing to Dr P. Doyle to find out her opinion, only to find an "Error" for the URL she´d posted (www.drpdoyle.tripod.com/).
Think the Pharma companies have "discovered" the big asian market and with WHO´s help, out to make another killing. If there was only some way to warn them....