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Horopito extract
gilda Views: 3,992
Published: 18 y

Horopito extract

I've had Acne for 40 years! Searched for the cure, took everything including accutane but got no help until I discovered horopito extract (goodle it to buy). However, in searching for a natural cure for yeast infections, I began horopito pills and it has really made a big difference. Old cysts started drying up and few new ones are starting. I had heard Acne was a by-product of yeast, but didn't know how to address it.
I would be very interested to know if this has worked for anyone else. I would STRONGLY recommend it. I saw improvement in a week as the sores become much less inflamed. Please give it a try; like me, what have you got to lose? It seems obvious the usual treatments don't work.


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