a rash,bumps that are itchy on the torso
Okay this is the strangest thing. I have itchy, red bumps that also ooze a little. They appear one day and last a week or a few days and then go away. I have been putting oil of clove on all the spots and it seems to help a little to stop the itching.
What could this be from?
In May I did the Master Cleanse and felt great doing it. I sometimes still drink the concoction (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water) during the day along with freshly made OJ and fresh fruit usually pinapple or peaches. At night i'll have a raw salad with vegetables and nori and maybe a spoonful of macaroni salad.
Do you think I need to cleanse again? Are these the toxins coming out through my skin? I also do a salt flush with sea salt to flush out my colon every few days.
Anyone have any suggestions for me?
I just ordered some products from barefootMH. I ordered LBB, oregano oil, sorghum molasses, Mrs. Barefoot Solution and 'book of natural healing etc.
Thanks in advance. This rash/bumps are really annoying.