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Re: RG, why does your stomach make gurgling sounds?
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Re: RG, why does your stomach make gurgling sounds?


I found mine in my vitamin store. They were very cheap in price. I think only around $6.50 a bottle. The brand name is Nature's Way and the bottle I bought had 100 capsules in it. It says it is certified 475 mg. It says Neem (azadirachta indica) is an Ayurvedic herbal from India traditionally used for purifying and cleansing. Its benefits are also similar to Echinacea and Goldenseal. This must have been some strong stuff because the die off symptoms that I got was too much for me to handle. Along with the Humaworm still in my system. I have to say though I got out a lot and I am still passing critters. The flukes that come out are gross enough but the worms that come out really freaked me out! I mean these things looked like something that you would see in a gutter when it rains in the Winter. I think I eliminated 13 worms total now after I stopped the Neem. I am hoping that they all have come out and I am really hoping that they are all dead. I am feeling sick from just the thought of this. Let me know if you find the Neem. Donna


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