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about drugs
I was a former medical surgical nurse and also worked in drug development as a low level scientist. I learned so much. I was involved in an area where we screened substances, both synthetic and natural, against specific target molecules. Usually we were looking for an inhibitor to a specific enzyme. Very simply, this enzyme has a specific function in the body, and the drug acts by turning it off. So, rather than addressing the cause, you are covering up the warning sign your body is giving you that something is wrong! That function is there for a reason, and turning it off for long is not a good idea. The real problem is not being addressed and will escalate. Plus, everything is interrelated, and it starts a whole cascade of other enzyme reactions, which is where you get side effects from. Plus, it puts extra stress on your body to have to eliminate these substances when it could be working to restore your health instead. And, I don't think these substances are totally eliminated, at least not the energetic residue.
Now, I only had a BA degree, and I could see it, but the smartest doctors and Ivy League PhDs could not! I don't believe that for a minute. It has to do with money. And TV and the advertising industry don't help. That and the fact that people want to keep living an unhealthy lifestyle instead of working to change. They'd rather pop a pill instead of exercising outdoors, eating healthy, working less, learning, meditating, etc.
I know some people that brag about having all these tests and drugs. They feel they are getting the most out of their insurance, and plus they get sympathy and attention.