Re: Maryland State School Board
Advances 'Sexual Diversity'
Above Children's Safety
I'm not sure exactly what the point of your message was. I guess it was your opportunity to call me sick or something. Well congratulations. Feel free.
It's amazing to me how anti-gays take it upon themselves to define the homosexual experience. "With homosexuality you have two sick (adult) minds preying on each other and neither knows why the act is taking place. They just do it because they like it." Sick adult minds. Hmm. No judgment there. I'm just curious how you actually know what is in the mind of two men or in the mind of two women who love each other and express that love sexually? How do you know they are acting simply on sexual urge or lust or because it feels good unless you are that person feeling what they are feeling, experiencing what they are experiencing. How can you as a heterosexual really know what it is like? Especially to the degree that you could define it in the terms you have Simplify.
Your definitions can only be based on judgment and supposition not on actual experience. How can you define my life, my behavior or my experiences any more than I could define yours? If I tried to categorize or define your experience as a heterosexual male/female (sorry, I just don't know which you are), I couldn't and I wouldn't take it upon myself to do so. It is not my experience and I cannot relate to it. There is no way I could understand your life to the degree that my descriptions would do it justice. So why take it upon yourself to do that for others? Is it fun to call someone else sick? Does it provide you some kind of satisfaction to point out that "Neither end of the digestive tract is a proper receptacle for a man's penis or the semen it ejects." I don't know maybe it does. To each his own. But I really wonder what that says about you as a person. Who are you? And how do your words present you to the world? I am a firm believer that our words and judgments define us more than they do anyone else. But hey, that's just what I believe.
I know you really don't care what I have to say. You believe what you believe and that is your choice. Your message had a purpose and fulfilled its need for you whatever that was. Well good for you. I'm glad you feel satisfied.
You know, an interesting thing has just happened. As I was writing this message I began to question why I felt compelled to respond to your message or any message on this board for that matter. Clearly, it wasn't necessary. I'm not hear to change people's minds or beliefs, that's their job. You're entitled to what you believe, just as much as I am entitled to what I believe. Each of us are living our own unique lives the way we see fit. I have nothing to defend or explain or justify to you or anyone else and I guess in the end neither do you. Forget my questions then Simplify. I don't actually need answers. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter to either one of us. Thank you very much, you taught/reminded me of a very important lesson.
So goodbye and thanks to this forum. May it continue to serve its purpose for all who seek it.