Ok, I misunderstood you, sorry. I thought you ended your last cleanse in March. Yes, you have to wait 90 days. Have you ever used Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for anything? I use it for a lot of things. I told my neighbor to go get some for her baby girl that is 18 months old who has had candida all over her little bottom, front and back, inside and out since she was born. She went to Dr. after Dr. and the medicine that they gave her didn't help. She went and got some and started putting it on her daughter. The candida rash disappeared. She could not believe it. You can also mix Mediterian Wild Oregano Oil with the coconut oil and use it that way too. I mix 1/4 cup of coconut oil to 2 droppers full of Oregano and use it for my deorderant, on my face, which by the way feels better than it has in years, Ecezma, painful areas, cuts, infections and so on. It may help. There are probably more suggestions out there, that's just one. Donna