Well let me tell ya...plzchuckle...We drove all the way to St Louis today for me
to be seen by my first Naturopath...and I told my husband coming home...if he thought I was a fanatic out...because this woman got me so revved
up....she was absolutely wonderful.
I'm going to finish my home studies with Hallelujah Acres and go for the weeks training so I can teach classes here.
What was so surprising...When I talk to our family doctor and mention some form
of natural treatment...he'll look at me like I said I just shot his wife...but
everything I mentioned today...this Dr Gardener knew it forwards and backwards.
She told me stories about Hulda Clark...H Acres...she was just wonderful
Our family doctor...who is a close family friend...has just been giving me up and
down the road like crazy because I wouldn't get a colonoscopy...and Dr Gardener said I was a perfect example of doctors not listening to what patients are saying...
she said they couldn't have done a colonoscopy on me if they had tried because
my colon was so blocked. She said she has seen worse...but mine was very bad.
And yes...doctors DO practice medicine & negativity...."I" like to practice healing
also, and positivity.
Good luck on your bowel and liver problems. I think I am FINALLY on the long road
to recovery. kathryn