My sister had a 45 minute procedure done on her back. She stayed in the hospitol overnight and walked out the front door the next morning.
The bill to Medicare was $18,000...........!
I can't shake the idea from my mind that this is organized crime. This tragidy may not reach the level of organized crime since the thug on the street does the same thing when he sticks a gun in your ribs and says 'give me your money or your are dead!"
The real crime is that those without insurance are stuck with paying full retail and many times loose their homes because of his type of pricing. This is occuring while billion dollar insurance companies only pay 10¢ on the dollar to the hospitol!
I always thought the US 'revolution' would start over high taxes but now it's more likely that it will start over health care pricing that insures a death sentence for many of us.
BTW - did you pickup on the news that in the booming oil town of Houston, TX 33% of the people there do not have health insurance.