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To anyone planning/ doing MC for Weight loss
I recently got off my first MC. I fasted for 10 days and pretty much stuck to all the guidelines from the book with the exception that I only did about 3-4 Salth water flushes. I consider myself a bit overweight and would definitely want to lose 10-15
pounds and although I did not do the
Master-Cleanse for weightloss, it was definitely in the back of my head.
After the MC, I lost about 6-7
pounds although I only got on the scaled twice during the entire time. I mostly went about by the size of my clothes. Now everyone's bodies reacts differently to fasting but with my personal experience I did not lose much weight and i feel pretty the exact same now as before cleanse. I do have to admit, I was playing with the idea of getting on Raw food diet but I pretty started eating normally after the come-down. My regular food habits are not badto begin with and I mostly eat vegetables and fish with some occasional chicken. I was hoping to give up meat entirely after the
Master-Cleanse but that didn't happen. Infact after the MC, I feel that I enjoy the texture and flavors of food even more with leads me to eat slightly more than I did before.
Having said that, what I did gain from
Master-Cleanse was a fantastic spiritual experience. I felt one with my body and had much more energy than usual. I realised a lot of things about my own self and am definitely planning to make MC a part of my yearly routine. I loved the feeling of being cleansed and could actually feel the toxins leaving my body.
So I would definitely NOT recommend MC for weight loss from my personal experience. If anything, its making me eat more now although thats also because of my self-control issues. I just don't think there's any alternative to exercising and eating right (well, duh!).