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2 weeks post cleanse update
I just thought that I would update my progress for those of you who are in the thick of it and wondering what it will be like to go back to regular eating. I completed a 21 day cleanse nearly two weeks ago and have continued to completely flourish! I have maintained amazing and fun new dietary and exercise habits that have continued my weightloss. I am probably down nearly 25-30 lbs from June 3rd and in crazy fit shape. No joke. I am never hungry, because I eat every 2-3 hours. I start each day with a couple of glasses of water with lemon and cayenne, then I go for a 3-4 mile power walk with 2 lb weights. I eat a breakfast of 3 egg whites scrambled with fresh spinach and basil on 1 piece of ezekial sprouted grain toast with a half avocado spread on it. Then go to work and a couple of hours later eat fresh yogurt with maple and blueberries then a couple more hours a papaya, then after work a rice cake or two or some pumpkin seeds and cranberries, then I rollerblade 7 miles or do weights and crunches and then eat dinner...big old salad or sushi or hummus or whatever. I've even been drinking SOME wine and SOME beer and SOME healthy sweets.
After years of doing "ok" after cleansing, this one has REALLY done the trick! I think the length (3 weeks) is really what helped me form lasting and healthy habits. It was really an amazing 3 weeks too so don't be afraid to go longer than 10 days. Summertime is the best time for this too...I didn't get as cold or as bored as there is so much to do outdoors in warmer weather.
I also did dry skin brushing and have maintained this twice each day (have never continued this post cleanse) and my skin is honestly like butter. I'm constantly telling people to rub my arm or leg or whatever...hilarious really!
Anyway...hope this is encouraging to anybody who is struggling through their cleanse or worried about breaking it. I feel amazing and totally unstoppable, I have a completely new wardrobe because I can fit into all of my skinny clothes AND...I might possibly be the finest looking person in the entire world at the moment...that's how I feel anyway!! ;-)
Best of luck to all and thanks for all the great advice I've received over the years.