Over a year ago our family acquired a vicious strain of CA-MRSA. It nearly killed our oldest son and went after the rest of our family. Our strain apparently had the PVL toxin since it turned into a flesh eating bacteria. Antibiotics did save our son's life because it bought us time to find something that is potent against super-bacteria and yet harmless to the body. The infection was back within 10 days after finishing a regimen of 3 Antibiotics thrown at it by our doctor.
We killed it ourselves by using a nutraceutical topically and internally and have all been free of any signs of MRSA for over a year now.
I have learned a lot about MRSA since we had this horrible experience. One thing that I have learned is that we need to educate ourselves and be aware of what is REALLY going on. The media is portraying subjective reports on MRSA and it is hard to find the truth.
This report is one of the more honest and accurate news on the seriousness of