I seen those very same things come out of me. I was wondering why there was another limb or two coming out of it. Is that legs or what? Several of those came out. I was feeling tired for two days before expelling them. I too have that same non bloated feeling in my stomach. It feels wonderful! I just finished my second dose of Humaworm. I am now taking Neem inbetween Humaworm cleanses. I am 52 years old and I can now out due most of the young people that live near me. Ton's of energy except when another dye off syndrom hits. I will put up with the dye off syndrom anyday only to know that this kind of energy and well being is awaiting me. VerySugar, how do you put the pictures on this website for us to see? I have seen all kinds of different parasites come out. When I think that I am almost clean of them, more start coming out. It is a gross thought to think that these things have been making a home in us for a long time. No wonder everyone is getting sick. Donna