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Re: Time to get your own forums?
yemaya Views: 3,168
Published: 19 y
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Re: Time to get your own forums?

"The reality is, Curezone is massive! Imagine Curezone being a large company, where all the employees constantly heckle/challenge the Managing Director's decisions, they would get the sack wouldn't they?! Or if the employees really wanted to make a statement, surely they would leave and find employment elsewhere where they felt they would be happier/fit better?"

That is exactly what I am seeing too. It is such a shame that when Dusan tries to create a open website where people can give feedback it turn into a place where people take advantage by ganging up on him and other people.

The internet is an interesting thing, for many people it can be just another outlet or addiction for whatever is happening in their lifes....All of the sudden people with no social life can be the most popular person on the "forum"... we all hide behind masks, but when you are annonymous it can get carried away.

I dont really know of another website where people act like this... they are simply not allowed and their posts will be deleted or they will be asked to leave. There is no other Webmaster that tries to listen and concider so many voices. I visit many other website and never have I seen this sort of negative complaining. I hear all this stuff about ego etc... none of us are enlightened here...please..

It is so manipulative to try and make someone feel bad for changing or going against what you think.... Live and let live folks... The bottom line always is, if you dont like it...if it bothers you so much you have to complain about it then you need to be solution oriented and leave. Period. Please stop trying to change something that is not yours to change!

Imagine if Spirit came to your house and started telling you all of the things your doing wrong and attacking you verbally... Imagine he decided that he was going to help you out but then everything had to change-his way! And if you dont do it he is going to keep hounding you and making comments and talking about you! That is crazy... Hopefully people wouldnt act that way in "real life" so why is it ok here?

There really would be no need to "police" here if people could police themselves.

My vision of CZ is to see people respect the site and the choices. You dont like something? Ask about it.... Let's take the google ads. If it bothers you then find out why it has been chosen. So it's for money to support the website, do you know of an alternative that could be better? Then nicely let the Webmaster know. If you dont have a resonable alternative, then it is not really fair to put him down for trying to support the site. Spirit is resonable and will listen-he might not make the choice you would like...but he will listen. Remeber this is his house, for the rest of us it is more like a hotel!I imagine people understanding that we are in the CZ house, so it is time to be respectful and understanding. Take your shoes and boxing gloves off at the door...we are here to help one another. And just like a friend that you dont like much anymore becasue of choices they make...if you dont like it here, dont just try to change it, annoy it and degrade it... let them know that you are moving in a new direction and wish them well. That is my hope for the future here...



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